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Plymouth Borough was incorporated on April 23, 1866 and covers 1.1 square miles. It is situated on the west side of the Susquehanna River in the Wyoming Valley of Northeastern Pennsylvania.


With a current population of approximately 5,792 residents, Plymouth Borough is a member of the Wyoming Valley West School District and is home to the Wyoming Valley West High School.

Council Meeting

Tuesday, April 11, 2023
6:00 PM

Plymouth Municipal Building
(Join Zoom Meeting)
Council Meeting

Tuesday, May 9, 2023
6:00 PM

Plymouth Municipal Building
Join Zoom Meeting)

Yard Waste Pickup

Plymouth Borough residents: the 2023 Yard Waste collection will resume on Monday, April 3, 2023. There will be no collection on April 7th (Good Friday) as the office and DPW will be off, however we will have a special collection on Thursday April 6th. Regular collection will be weekly on Monday & Friday. The yard waste bags are still $1.50 per bag and are available for purchase at the administrative office during regular business hours (M-F – 8:00am-4:00pm). You will need to call to get on the list for waste bag pick up, so please contact the administrative office (570 779-1011) before 10:30am the day of pick up. For your convenience, you may also call earlier in the week to be placed on the list for the next pick-up day. Call the administrative office with any questions or concerns. Thank you so much for making this yard waste recycling program a success. Enjoy the beautiful weather coming our way and stay safe.

Newspaper/cardboard recycling will be on Tuesday & Thursday.

For questions call the Administrative office at 570-779-1011.


Thank you again for supporting this recycling program.

GFL Garbage Collection Schedule

Click on the picture to view a PDF of the map

Right-to-Know Requests


The Local Luzerne County Resource guide provides information to all types of human services. The Help Line/ 2-1-1 is an information referral service and first response point for crisis calls in Luzerne and Wyoming Counties. It is the central access point for problems and issues regarding: Aging, Mental Health, Child Abuse/Neglect, Drug and Alcohol, Runaway, Energy Assistance, Homeless Services and Victim Services. If you are facing a problem regarding any of these issues, please call 2-1-1 or review the pamphlet for further information.  If you would like pamphlet please see the Borough Administration Office, the Police Department or the Code Enforcement Officer.


Local Resource Guide

No Nonsense Neutering

2023 Civil Service Test.PNG

Proposed Ordinance

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that immediately after a work session on May 9, 2023, commencing at 6:00 P.M. at the Plymouth Borough Municipal Building, 162 Shawnee Avenue, Plymouth, Pennsylvania, the Borough Council will act at its regular meeting on Ordinance No. 5-2023 which, if passed, will exempt handicapped vans, handicapped minivans, or automobiles modified to carry wheelchairs, from the restrictions on parking of large vehicles, motor homes, trailers and other type vehicles on Borough Streets and provide penalties for violation thereof as previously adopted by ordinance no. 3-2023 and if passed will become effective May 9, 2023.

            This is a summary of the proposed Ordinances.  A copy of the full text of the proposed ordinances may be examined by any citizen in the office of the Secretary of the local government unit at the Plymouth Borough Municipal Building, 162 Shawnee Avenue, Plymouth, Pennsylvania, on any business day (except, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., prevailing time.

From the Office of the Tax Collector...

Barbara Dellario, Plymouth Borough Tax Collector, announces that the discount period for the 2023 County/Municipal taxes will end on Thursday, 4/13/23.  The tax office will be open on Monday and Tuesday evenings from 5:00 to 7:00 PM and Saturday morning from 8:00 to 10:00 AM during the discount period.  The tax office will also be open on the last day of the discount period, 4/13/23 from 5:00 to 6:00 PM.

Tax payments can also be dropped off with the borough secretary during regular business hours or mailed to P.O. Box 26 Plymouth, PA  18651.  If a receipt is requested, please include a self addressed stamped envelope and the entire tax bill or include a note to leave the receipt with the borough secretary.

The Face period for the 2023 County Municipal taxes will begin 4/14/23 and run through 6/13/23.  Office hours during the Face period are Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.

Announcement from Pennsylvania American Water Company

Pennsylvania American Water is currently working to identify service line material for all customers across the Commonwealth.  A service line is the pipe that connects a customer’s home or building to the water main located in the street.

     Starting this week, customers whose service line material is unknown to Pennsylvania American Water will be sent a postcard (attached) with information on how to participate in this vital identification effort.


     Customers can respond by visiting the website on the postcard, scanning the QR code, or by calling the number provided that directs customers to the company’s project management firm, Greeley and Hansen. As part of this survey, customers will be asked to answer a few questions about their water service line and upload a photo of their service line material, if possible. 

     Determining what material every customer’s service line is made of – including the lines owned by them and not just by us – is a massive undertaking. We’re asking our customers to take this request seriously and respond so we can act accordingly. We ask for your help in getting the word out to your community.

GFL Garbage Collection

A representative from GFL (formerly County Waste) has confirmed that garbage stickers will continue to be utilized for garbage collection until other options become available. If there are to be any changes in the future, GFL will relay them to Plymouth Borough in advance so residents can be notified accordingly.

Plymouth Borough is looking to hire a few dependable crossing guards in the borough for the coming school year.


Guards will be required to safely cross the elementary school children for the 8:00 AM bus pick up (1 hour) and the 3:30PM bus drop off (1 hour).


Interested applicants can submit their completed employment application, along with all necessary clearances to the Plymouth Administrative office, 162 West Shawnee Avenue during regular business hours (M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM) or come in to the fill out an application in person.


For any questions, please call The Plymouth Borough Administrative

Office at:  570 779-1011.  Thank you.

Code of the Borough of Plymouth

Click here to visit the website with the current codes of Plymouth Borough:

Plymouth Borough is accepting applications for part-time police officers. The hourly rate is $20.00 per hour. Applicants must be Act 120 Certified.


Employment Applications may be obtained and returned to the Plymouth Borough Administration Office, 162 West Shawnee Avenue, Plymouth, PA, 18651, from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).

Mary Atkinson Historical Home Award

The Plymouth Borough Planning Agency is proud to introduce the Mary Barrett Historical Home Award!

This Award was created to celebrate the beautiful historic houses of Plymouth and to honor the late Mary Barrett, a dedicated member of the Planning Agency who loved the historical buildings of Plymouth and invested time and energy to the restoration of her own historical home.

To nominate a home, please complete the attached form. The Planning Agency will award one home per quarter. You can nominate your own home or that of a friend or neighbor, as long as the home is located within the boundaries of Plymouth Borough.

The first award will be decided by the Planning Agency in December and announced at the January council meeting. Nominations will roll over quarter-to-quarter so no need to re-nominate each quarter.

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