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Regional Stormwater Management Program


In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is charged with regulating stormwater pursuant to the Clean Water Act (CWA).


In 2016, the Department of Environmental Protection Agency (DEP)  labeled approximately 19,000 miles of rivers and streams in Pennsylvania impaired for water supply, aquatic life, recreation or fish consumption.


Stormwater runoff is one of the biggest reasons for impairment.


Under existing federal law, municipalities in Northeastern Pennsylvania must curb pollution of the Susquehanna River by as much as 10% in the next fiver years (2018-2023). Stormwater carries an immense amount of pollution, including sediment, car oil, lawn fertilizers and pesticides. Those pollutants have many negative impact on our streams and rivers.


All developed properties contribute stormwater runoff.


All properties with driveways, parking lots, and rooftops inhibit infiltration of rainfall into the soil. The goal of stormwater management is to increase widespread infiltration.

Together, we’ll be supporting pollution reduction efforts.


Municipalities have been designated as MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) permit holders, and are required to complete all stormwater management permit requirements. The requirements focus on Pollution Reduction Planning—supported by Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) and Best Management Practices (BMPs).


That is why Plymouth Borough has joined the Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority’s (WVSA) Regional Stormwater Management Program. The WVSA serves as the MS4 permit administrator, which allows municipalities to garner efficiencies in the use of the Authority’s trained staff, equipment, and knowledge of how to operate and manage a regional authority. This collaborative, cost-effective program designed to meet federal mandates and benefit our environment for generations to come. In the event a stormwater pollution violation needs to be reported, please contact the Plymouth Borough Administration Office at 570-779-1011. 


To learn more about stormwater management, please visit:


Environmental Protection Agency Polluted Runoff: Nonpoint Source Pollution


Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Stormwater Smart


Stormwater Pennsylvania


Center for Watershed Protection

Luzerne County Conservation District

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